Friday, November 4, 2011

Lazy Friday

Description of Photo Description of Photo
Today, I'm just chillin. I have 4 days in a row off from work and it honestly couldn't have come at a better time! I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow and right afterwards will be going to visit my dad, step mom and brother in Alabama until Sunday. Monday will give me time to recover and hopefully get a lot of editing done.
I'm sure I'm not going to end up on this couch ALL day. Just the majority of it, haha. I've been wanting to take a ride down the Natchez Trace to see the beautiful foliage before they fall from the trees and after seeing Kaelah's outfit post on the Trace, I'm dead set on doing that today after Danza gets off work. You should probably expect some photos. I still cannot get over the weather differences between South Dakota and here. Obviously its going to be different and I knew that before hand, but it throws me off that the sun still shines a lot right now and the sky is still clear and blue while its SNOWING up there! Well, its overcast here today, but it was beautiful Wednesday.
Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Those jars are beautiful. I really like the shadows jars with liquids make.

  2. Lovely photos! I love those jars. I owned one :)
